Hello Kitty Big Fun Deluxe teaches essential learning skills to kids as young as 3. Your children will spend hours creating their own songs, stories and paintings while learning reading, arithmetic, music, shapes, colors and more! Hello Kitty's voice prompting guides children through a playroom packed with learning adventures, brilliant animation and zany sound effects.
Find Hello Kitty
Big Fun Deluxe
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(and save $25 --
yeah, no kidding)

With four software programs on one amazing CD-ROM, Hello Kitty Big Fun Deluxe should be an essential part of your children's formative years.

B I G   T O P

Content Copyright ©1995,1996 Big Top Productions, LP. All Rights Reserved.
Hello Kitty®
and all related indicia are trademarks of SANRIO CO., LTD.
Used under license. ©1976, 1996 SANRIO CO., LTD.