P E A C EI NP I C T U R E S Come on jump on the peace train! Draw and submit your own peace picture.
K I D S C O M Write on their graffiti wall, check out their list of cool links and much more fun.
N U C L E U S'K I D SP A G E Anyone 18 years or older not allowed on this site.
T H EC O L O R I N GB O O K Color in all kinds of drawings and then download and print them out!
K E N'SG OP A G E Want to learn a game that's easy to learn as checkers but more strategic than chess? Then "Go" to this site.
B I GC A T S All kinds of information about big cats...and we mean BIG cats.
T H EF R O G G YP A G E Frogs, frogs and yes, more frogs. Don't try to kiss the screen.